Here are a seller’s three options for when they want to sell then buy.

We’ve often been asked by sellers who want to move up or down how they can find a house to buy. In this seller’s market, that can be difficult, but I have three options for you:

1. Sell then rent. This can be difficult because you need to move twice, but renting an apartment or house for a while will give you time to find your next home.

2. Ask the buyers for a leaseback. This is a good option, and in a seller’s market, the buyers will often give this to the seller. It gives you three months to find your next home.

“Renting means moving twice, but it’ll give you time to find your next home.”

3. List with a suitable replacement contingency. This won’t lock you in when the buyer writes an offer to purchase. That contingency is there for your protection. If we don’t find you a house, that offer goes away, and you stay in your home.

If you have any other questions about buying or selling, please give us a call. We’d love to hear from you and help in any way we can.