Setting SMART goals can help you reach your new year’s resolution.

Have you set yourself a New Year’s resolution or goal for this year? Today we’ll discuss SMART goals and why having one is a great way to begin 2022.

A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, reliable, and timely. For example, I have a puppy. My goal is for him to be off-leash when we go for a walk by the end of January. To achieve that, we take two 10-minute walks every day to practice heeling. We also take obedience classes and training once per week. 

If you have any other questions about SMART goals, we have a template that you can download. Whether it’s improving your career, purchasing a house, or looking into investment properties, setting SMART goals will help you reach your New Year’s resolution.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you.